How romance novels influence brides
Ever notice how many brides read romance novels? romance novels are not just about romance you can garner a wealth of information about weddings and traditions. Usually the really good novels have been meticulously researched about weddings in whatever era or time period they are set in. Let's look at some examples, Irish weddings are a natural favorite and are often used in these novels. Usually the bride is very beautiful and the groom is a handsome and redeemable rogue. The dowry or bride price is generally part of an irish wedding although the rogue bridegroom could care less, he just wants the beautiful girl. Remember John Wayne and Maureen O"Hara in The Quiet man? This is beauiful wedding's setting is a prime example of an Irish wedding. Wayne could have cared less about his bride's fortune although it was very important to his bride. Irish customs often included such quaint traditions as the lovely Claddagh ring, the drinking of mead, a drink made up of honey, water and yeast, bagpipes playing and the traditional irish kilt to represent the groom's family and heritage. Often a horse shoe would be given to the lucky couple to place in there new home to bring them luck. Hmmm, we have heard of this many times.Last but not least let's remember that this is just one example of a wedding, so many many more are available and romance novels can provide us with a wealth of information besides the enjoyment we derive from reading them. If you are looking for unique wedding favors and bridesmaids gifts, check out our gorgeous selection at http://www.loveyourwedding.com/
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