Sunday, May 04, 2008

Chinese Ghost Brides
In China several men, Yang Dongyan, Liu Shengbao, Hui Haibao and a spooky undertaker named Li Longsheng have recently been arrested for murdering women. Their excuse for murdering these unfortunate females was that they wanted to make fast money. It turns out that these women were more valuable dead than alive and in China where men out number women, desperate measures are being enacted by some people to procure these ghost brides. Now this in itself is not unusual as murders occur everyday, but the reason these women were murdered was for a truly strange tradition that dates back two thousand years.
In China people have long indulged in what is commonly known as ancestor worship. Ancestor worship is a tradition that reverberates through many aspects of Chinese life. Indeed, a Chinese festival known as Tomb Sweeping Day is when families visit the graves of their dead ancestors to clean them and burn incense. Spirits are believed to live on in the afterlife and at funerals people burn money and imitations of houses, cars and other goodies that the dead may need. It is believed by many, especially superstitious or uneducated people, that an unmarried life is incomplete, leading to the practice of minghun — burying single sons with recently dead young women to provide them with a wife in the afterlife. Unfortuantely this forbidden and ancient practice has been used as an excuse for murder by these men seeking to alleviate the fears of desperate families seeking brides for their unfortunate sons.
Parents of a deceased daughter often regard the money received in selling her for minghun as recompense for the dowry that they did not receive in her lifetime, while also posthumously elevating their child’s place in a patriarchal society. Wow, I feel truly sorry for such women who become ghost brides.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Transform your Bridal Shower into a Victorian Tea Party
Every girl has an idea of what she would like her bridal shower to be like and I'm no exception. I love old fashioned tea parties with the big hats and fancy dresses, maybe it just comes with the fact that I'm a Southern girl born and bred. I have always had a fascination with the nineteenth century and the Victorian era in particular. It was such a unique period of quaint manners and unique styles of fashion. My idea of a delightful wedding shower would include inviting all my friends to a lovely tea party complete with real porcelain china and and have everyone dress up in feathered hats and flowing chiffon dresses. For my bridal shower favors I would choose from Victorian themed wedding favors. Let's take a look at some of these favors, old fashioned tea bags in gauze bags, complete with tea bags, cinnamon sticks and sugar cubes and tied with silk roses. It would make a truly classy favor. Or I might decide on a Victorian styled key bottle stopper called key to my heart. A romantic favor for a romantic event. Perhaps my friends might enjoy lovely silk fans or boxed bath salts topped with beautiful silk flower for an elegant presentation. If you love calla lilies then an exquisite calla lily sachet just might be your thing. There are so many wonderful ideas for Victorian favors and your victorian inspired tea party shower will be the talk of the town for a long time to come. Go ahead girls try something unique and fun, this is just one example of a not so ordinary bridal shower.