Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to find a picturesque country church to get married in

Years ago when I used to visit a friend in college, I became enchanted by the little country churches I saw along the way as I drove there. Some churches were old and dilapidated but many others were whitewashed and well maintained with their stained glass windows and climbing roses. I knew a lot of work and love had gone into maintaining these lovely old buildings and I could just imagine the weddings, picnics and pie sales that had taken place there.
If you have an image of an old country church for your wedding, check out online where these churches are in your vicinity. Read up on the history and background of communities in your area. Seek out recommendations from historical societies and libraries. One good idea would be to just drive the old country roads and if you see a church that catches your eye, get the number and name of the church and minister. Odds are they would be delighted to have you!

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